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  2. / Investors
  3. / Industrivärden's stock
  4. / Share data
  5. / Share structure

Share structure

Value and trading volume

Trading volume in Industrivärden shares on the Stockholm Stock Exchange in 2023 totaled SEK 42 billion (57), corresponding to a turnover rate of 18% for the Class A shares (35%) and 58% for the Class C shares (78%). Average daily trading volume was approximately 185,000 Class A shares and approximately 398,000 Class C shares. 

Share and shareholder structure

Industrivärden had approximately 196,000 shareholders (197,000) at year-end.

A significant majority of shareholders are private individuals, while a significant share of the capital is owned by institutional investors such as pension and asset management companies, and foundations. Foreign shareholders own 23% (24%) of the capital.

At year-end 2023 the share capital totaled SEK 1,088 M, distributed among 431,899,108 registered shares with a share quota value of SEK 2.52. Each Class A share carries entitlement to one vote, and each Class C share carries entitlement to 1/10 of a vote. All shares carry equal entitlement to the Company’s assets, earnings and dividends. 


Since Industrivärden’s introduction on the stock market in 1945, the Class A shares have generated a total return of approximately 2,700,000%, compared with approximately 1,200,000% for the total return index (SIXRX).

Industrivärden’s Class A and C shares had standard deviations of 10.6% and 10.1%, respectively, and beta values of 0.92% and 0.91%, respectively, for the full year 2023, compared with the total return index (SIXRX).

Share structure on December 30, 2024

Share class

No. of shares

No. of votes

Capital, %

Votes, %

A (1 vote) 238,376,934 238,376,934.0 55.2 92.5    
C (1/10 vote) 193,522,174 19,352,217.4 44.8 7.5    
Total 431,899,108 257,729,151.4 100.0 100.0    


Employee ownership

Industrivärden encourages its employees to make private investments in Industrivärden shares, as this aligns the interests of the Company’s employees with other shareholders. The long-term incentive programs adopted by the Annual General Meeting make up part of employees’ total compensation and aim to increase employees’ ownership of stock in the Company.


Shareholder structure

Last update: Dec 30, 2024