1. Startpage
  2. / Investors
  3. / Industrivärden's stock
  4. / Share data
  5. / Ownership structure

Ownership structure

Industrivärden has approximately 194,000 shareholders. Foreign ownership in the company is approximately 23%.

Ownership on June 30, 2024

  Number of shares A-shares C-shares Capital, % Votes, %
L E Lundbergföretagen 86,550,000 65,600,000 20,950,000 20.0 25.8
Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation 27,800,000 27,800,000 0 6.4 10.6
Spiltan Funds 23,648,084 1,613,780 22,034,304 5.5 1.5
Fredrik Lundberg incl companies 14,075,000 4,500,000 9,575,000 3.3 2.1
BlackRock 11,928,548 5,064,184 6,864,364 2.8 2.2
Vanguard 10,871,160 4,564,057 6,307,103 2.5 2.0
SCA Pension Foundation 9,081,346 9,081,346 0 2.1 3.5
Essity Vorsoge-Treuhand 9,014,630 9,014,630 0 2.1 3.4
Essity Pension Foundation for Officials 8,445,296 8,445,296 0 2.0 3.2
SEB Funds 8,219,914 2,640,445 5,579,469 1.9 1.2
Norges Bank Investment Management 5,917,018 5,896,548 20,470 1.4 2.3
AFA Insurance 5,005,405 0 5,005,405 1.2 0.2
Handelsbanken Funds 4,806,862 3,195,959 1,610,903 1.1 1.3
Louise Lindh 4,727,922 2,000,000 2,727,922 1.1 0.9
Katarina Martinson incl companies 4,636,922 2,000,000 2,636,922 1.1 0.9

Ownership data is updated quartely when this information is made public according to The Companies Act.

Last update: Jul 22, 2024