Chairman of the Board since 2015 Director since 2004
B.Sc. Eng., B.Sc. BA., Dr. h.c. mult.
President and CEO of L E Lundbergföretagen.
Chairman of Holmen and Hufvudstaden. Vice chairman of Handelsbanken. Director of L E Lundbergföretagen and Skanska.
Active in L E Lundbergföretagen since 1977.
Independent in relation to the company and the company’s executive management. Non-independent in relation to the company’s major shareholders.
Shareholding (own and closely related parties); 103,646,153*
*Pertains to own and closely related natural persons' holdings of 11,846,153 shares and closely related legal entities' holdings of 91,800,000 shares, of which 88,550,000 shares through L E Lundbergsföretagen and 3,250,000 shares through Förvaltnings AB Lunden.