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Key ratios


  2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Net asset value                    
Equities portfolio                    
market value, SEK M 157,547  133,832  149,955 128,893 116,750 92,170 107,289 94,250 81,835 83,062
total return, % 33  -9  21 7 33 -8 17 20 4 8
net purchases/sales, SEK M 2,854  3,184  2,258 4,106 -1,163 -3,252 103 -834 -1,894 1,561
Net debt                    
value, SEK M -7,295   -7,355 -6,500 -7,654 -4,032 -6,601 -10,930 -11,481 -12,648 -14,632
debt-equities ratio, %  5   5 4 6 3 7 10 12 15 18
Net asset value                    
value, SEK M 150,252   126,477 143,455 121,239 112,718 85,201 96,299 82,769 69,056 68,345
value per share, SEK 329   293 332 279 259 196 221 191 160 158
growth, % 19  -12 18 8 32 -12 16 20 1 12
Industrivärden's stock                    
Number of shareholders 196,000  197,000  204,000 104,000 88,000 80,000 75,000 69,000 63,000 60,000
Industrivärden's market capitalization                    
value, SEK M 141,945   109,401 123,824 117,872 99,950 79,062 90,570 76,201 66,434 60,638
value per share, SEK 329   253 287 271 230 182 208 176 154 140
Number of shares outstanding                    
total, thousands 431,899  431,899  431,899 435,210 435,210 435,210 435,210 432,341 432,341 432,341
of which, Class A-shares, thousands 254,789  260,744  260,796 267,112 268,183 268,183 268,184 268,185 268,185 268,186
of which, Class C-shares, thousands 177,110  171,156  171,103 168,098 167,026 167,026 167,025 164,155 164,155 164,155
Dividends paid                    
value, SEK M 3,347  3,131  2,915 3,590 0 2,502 2,394 2,285 2,162 2,702
value per share, SEK 7.75  7.25  6.75 8.25 0 5.75 5.50 5.25 5.00 6.25
dividend growth ordinary, % 8 n/a neg 5 5 5 neg 14
dividend growth total, % neg n/a neg 5 5 5 neg 14
dividend yield, Class C-shares, % 2.4  2.9  2.4 3.1 - 3.2 2.7 3.1 3.4 4.6
Total return, Industrivärden shares                    
Class A-shares, % 33  -10  8 18 30 -11 20 17 15 13
Class C-shares, % 33  -9  10 18 30 -9 22 21 11 16
Total return index (SIXRX), % 19  -23  39 15 35 -4 9 10 10 16
Total return index (OMXS30GI), % 21  -13  33 7 31 -7 8 9 2 14
Other key ratios                    
Earnings per share, SEK 62.15   -32,34 61.57 19.54 68.56 -19.14 35.76 38.05 7.18 12.62
Management cost, % of portfolio value 0.08   0.09 0.08 0.10 0.10 0.13 0.10 0.12 0.17 0.18
Dividends received, SEK M 6,418   5,479 8,081 657 4,093 3,764 2,786 3,078 3,184 2,984
Shareholders' equity, SEK M 149,880   126,180 143,079 120,976 112,528 85,142 95,880 82,129 67,850 67,406
Shareholders' equity, SEK M 95   94 95 94 96 91 88 86  82 80
Values and calculations pertain to the respective year-end.
Dividend for 2023 according to the Board of Directors’ proposal.
The dividend for 2020 includes an extra dividend of SEK 2.00 per share.
Earnings per share for 2020 have been retroactively recalculated due to the change in share base that occurred in 2021. Other periods have not been recalculated.
Last update: Feb 27, 2024