Definitions and Alternative Performance Measures
The Annual Report includes key financial ratios that are based on IFRS rules, such as earnings per share. In addition the Company and other stakeholders use Alternative Perfor- mance Measures (APMs) to describe the Group’s operations and which cannot be discerned or derived from the financial statements. These APMs are to be regarded as a complement to the financial reporting presented in accordance with IFRS. It should be noted that the APMs defined below may differ somewhat from other companies’ definitions of the same terms. Reconciliation of APMs are provided here on Industrivärden’s website.
Market value of the equities portfolio
The value of the equities portfolio based on share prices on the balance sheet date.
Dividend yield
Dividend per share in relation to the share price on the balance sheet date.
Net debt
Financial liabilities and provisions for pensions less financial receivables and cash and cash equivalents.
Earnings per share
Net income for the year divided by the weighted average number of shares outstanding.
Debt-equities ratio
Net debt in relation to the market value of the equities portfolio.
Equity ratio
Shareholders’ equity as a share of total assets.
Net asset value
The market value of the equities portfolio less net debt.
Total return shareholdings
Change in value of a shareholding including calculated reinvested dividend. Reported only for the current report- ing period.
Total return, shares
Change in the share price including reinvested dividends. Total return is compared against the total return of the Stockholm Stock Exchange (SIXRX), and the total return of the OMXS30 (OMXS30GI).
Change in value of shareholdings
For shares held at both the start and end of the year, the change in market value consists of the difference in value between these two points in time. For shares sold during the year, the change in market value consists of the difference between the payment received for the shares and their value at the start of the year. For shares purchased during the year, the change in market value consists of the difference between the cost of the shares and their value at the end of the year.